[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]
Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
172 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 97.093% | 1,082.891 |
Note: failures are anticipated and checked for with assertions while errors are unanticipated.
[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]
Package | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
net.sourceforge.domian.repository | 172 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 97.093% | 1,082.891 |
Note: package statistics are not computed recursively, they only sum up all of its testsuites numbers.
Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time | |
InMemoryAndXStreamXmlFileRepository_ConcurrentRepositoryTest | 7 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.359 | |
InMemoryAndXStreamXmlFileRepository_PartitionRepositoryTest | 30 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 15.14 | |
InMemoryAndXStreamXmlFileRepository_PersistentRepositoryTest | 18 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 80.329 | |
InMemoryAndXStreamXmlFileRepository_RepositoryTest | 30 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.141 | |
PartitionRepositoryTypeTest | 5 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 20% | 0.015 | |
XStreamXmlFilePerEntityRepository_ConcurrentRepositoryTest | 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 729.297 | |
XStreamXmlFilePerEntityRepository_PartitionRepositoryTest | 29 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 248.219 | |
XStreamXmlFilePerEntityRepository_PersistentRepositoryTest | 17 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 8.172 | |
XStreamXmlFilePerEntityRepository_RepositoryTest | 30 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 96.667% | 1.219 |
[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]
dummyTest | 0 | |
shouldIterateAndRemoveEntities | 0 | |
shouldPutEntitiesConcurrently | 0.141 | |
shouldConcurrentlyUpdateFieldsWithinSameObject | 0.062 | |
mustLockEntitiesToEnsureConsistentUpdatesOfSameField | 0.078 | |
shouldConcurrentlyUpdateNonConflictingFieldsWithinSameObject | 0 | |
shouldIterateAndRemoveEntitiesConcurrently | 0.078 |
persistTheGodDamnPartitionsWillYa | 0.234 | |
shouldAddPartititonsConcurrently | 0.172 | |
shouldAddPartititonsAndIterateConcurrently | 0.047 | |
shouldAddPartitionAndRemoveEntitiesConcurrently | 0.031 | |
multiTest | 9.047 | |
shouldNotAcceptNullSpecifications_addPartitionFor | 0 | |
shouldNotAcceptNullSpecifications_rePartition | 0 | |
shouldActAsOrdinaryRepositoryWhenNoPartitionsAreAdded | 0 | |
shouldIgnoreOrderOfPartitionAdded | 0.015 | |
shouldAddEntitiesToPartitionsWhenPartitionsArePreAdded | 0.016 | |
shouldAddEntitiesToPartitionsWhenPartitionsArePostAdded | 0.016 | |
shouldRemoveEntititesResidingInDifferentPartitions | 0.015 | |
shouldTreatAddingOfDuplicatePartitionsAsIdempotentOperations | 0.016 | |
shouldNavigateAndAddEntityInSuperRepository_WithWarning | 0 | |
shouldNavigateAndAddEntityInSieblingPartition_WithWarning | 0.016 | |
shouldNavigateAndRepartitionEntityInSieblingPartition_WithWarning | 0 | |
shouldReturnFalseWhenEntityToRepartitionDoesNotExist | 0.015 | |
shouldRepartitionEntities | 0 | |
shouldRepartitionEntireRepository | 0.031 | |
shouldHandleParallellSpecialCaseOfPartitions | 0.016 | |
checkEqualsAndSubsumption_extra | 0 | |
shouldFormADirectedAsyclicGraphOfPartitions | 0.031 | |
shouldFindSingleEntityWhenSeveralTraversalsLeadToIt_parallellSpecialCaseOfPartitions | 0.016 | |
shouldNotAcceptNullSpecifications_addPartitionFor_ng | 0.016 | |
shouldNotAcceptNullRepository_addPartitionFor_ng | 0 | |
allEntitiesPartitionShouldImplyNoEntitiesInTopLevelDb | 0 | |
entityUpdateShouldBeReflectedForAllEqualEntitiesInAllPartitionsInAllMemberLevels | 0.015 | |
shouldIterateSpecifiedEntitiesOnly | 0.016 | |
shouldNotIterateThroughEntitiesTwice | 0.015 | |
shouldHandleLargeNumbersOfIteratorsWithoutAnyOutOfMemoryExceptions | 5.344 |
multiTest | 76.266 | |
shouldImplementSimplePaasPersistenceDefinition | 0 | |
checkRepositoryPathAndFilenames_defaultPaths | 0.078 | |
checkRepositoryPathAndFilenames_customPaths | 0.015 | |
shouldHaveItsOwnMetaDataFile | 0.063 | |
shouldHandleEmptyPersistentRepositories | 0.015 | |
entityIdShouldBeGlobalAndPersistent | 0.063 | |
shouldPersistAndLoadEntities | 0.031 | |
shouldRemovePersistedEntitiesBothWays | 0.078 | |
shouldPersistDeepAggregates_genericVersion | 0.047 | |
shouldPersistDeepAggregates | 0.016 | |
ordinaryRepositryOperationsMightCancelStateChangesBeforeUpdateHasTakenPlace | 0.015 | |
shouldCascadeDelete | 0 | |
shouldHandleCircularReferences | 0.032 | |
shouldHandleConcurrentPersists | 3.031 | |
shouldHandleConcurrentLoadAndPersist | 0.453 | |
shouldUpdateMetaData_fileBasedOnly | 0 | |
shouldUpdateMetaData_supportsAsynchronousPersistence | 0.063 |
dummyTest | 0 | |
shouldNotAcceptNullSpecifications_countAllEntitiesSpecifiedBy | 0 | |
shouldNotAcceptNullSpecifications_countAll | 0 | |
shouldNotAcceptNullSpecifications_count | 0 | |
shouldNotAcceptNullSpecifications_iterateAllEntitiesSpecifiedBy | 0 | |
shouldNotAcceptNullSpecifications_iterateAll | 0 | |
shouldNotAcceptNullSpecifications_iterate | 0 | |
shouldNotAcceptNullSpecifications_findAllEntitiesSpecifiedBy | 0 | |
shouldNotAcceptNullSpecifications_findAll | 0 | |
shouldNotAcceptNullSpecifications_find | 0.016 | |
shouldNotAcceptNullSpecifications_findSingleEntitiespecifiedBy | 0 | |
shouldNotAcceptNullSpecifications_findSingle | 0 | |
shouldNotAcceptStoringNullEntities_putAll | 0 | |
shouldNotAcceptNullSpecifications_removeAllEntitiesSpecifiedBy | 0 | |
shouldNotAcceptNullSpecifications_removeAll | 0 | |
shouldNotAcceptNullSpecifications_remove | 0.015 | |
shouldReturnNullWhenNoSingleEntityIsFound | 0 | |
shouldReturnFalseWhenRemovingNonExistingEntity | 0 | |
shouldReturnEmptySetsWhenNoEntitiesAreFound | 0 | |
shouldOnlyAcceptEntities | 0 | |
shouldHoldSingleEntity | 0.016 | |
shouldHoldAggregate | 0 | |
shouldHandleRecursiveIndexingIfSupported | 0 | |
shouldBeTypeParameterized | 0 | |
shouldFindSingleEntity | 0.016 | |
shouldFindEntitiesOfDifferentTypes | 0 | |
shouldReflectNatureOfAggregateIndexingIn_isAddingEntitiesRecursively_property | 0.015 | |
shouldDoImplicitUpdates | 0 | |
shouldReturnFreshAndMutableCollections | 0 | |
shouldIterateSpecifiedEntities | 0.047 |
repositoryPartitionShouldInheritAllRepositoryInterfacesFromTargetRepositoryClass | 0 | |
repositoryPartitionShouldInheritRepositoryClassFromTargetRepositoryClass | 0 | |
skipped | ||
repositoryPartitionShouldInheritAllRepositoryInterfacesForEachSubPartitionAdded | 0 | |
skipped | ||
repositoryPartitionShouldInheritAllRepositoryInterfacesForEachSubPartitionAddedForAllPossibleGraphTraversalsUpwards | 0 | |
skipped | ||
shouldManagePartitionRepositoriesConsistingOfMultipleRepositoryImplementations | 0 | |
skipped |
shouldConcurrentlyUpdateNonConflictingFieldsWithinSameObject | 0 | |
shouldIterateAndRemoveEntities | 0.093 | |
shouldPutEntitiesConcurrently | 22.344 | |
shouldConcurrentlyUpdateFieldsWithinSameObject | 7.563 | |
mustLockEntitiesToEnsureConsistentUpdatesOfSameField | 7.906 | |
shouldIterateAndRemoveEntitiesConcurrently | 691.391 |
multiTest | 0.156 | |
shouldHandleLargeNumbersOfIteratorsWithoutAnyOutOfMemoryExceptions | 0 | |
shouldAddPartititonsConcurrently | 2.547 | |
shouldAddPartititonsAndIterateConcurrently | 136.469 | |
shouldAddPartitionAndRemoveEntitiesConcurrently | 99.734 | |
shouldNotAcceptNullSpecifications_addPartitionFor | 0.031 | |
shouldNotAcceptNullSpecifications_rePartition | 0.016 | |
shouldActAsOrdinaryRepositoryWhenNoPartitionsAreAdded | 0.219 | |
shouldIgnoreOrderOfPartitionAdded | 0.328 | |
shouldAddEntitiesToPartitionsWhenPartitionsArePreAdded | 0.515 | |
shouldAddEntitiesToPartitionsWhenPartitionsArePostAdded | 0.266 | |
shouldRemoveEntititesResidingInDifferentPartitions | 0.094 | |
shouldTreatAddingOfDuplicatePartitionsAsIdempotentOperations | 0 | |
shouldNavigateAndAddEntityInSuperRepository_WithWarning | 0.031 | |
shouldNavigateAndAddEntityInSieblingPartition_WithWarning | 0.109 | |
shouldNavigateAndRepartitionEntityInSieblingPartition_WithWarning | 0.079 | |
shouldReturnFalseWhenEntityToRepartitionDoesNotExist | 0.078 | |
shouldRepartitionEntities | 0.609 | |
shouldRepartitionEntireRepository | 1.984 | |
shouldHandleParallellSpecialCaseOfPartitions | 1.485 | |
checkEqualsAndSubsumption_extra | 0 | |
shouldFormADirectedAsyclicGraphOfPartitions | 1 | |
shouldFindSingleEntityWhenSeveralTraversalsLeadToIt_parallellSpecialCaseOfPartitions | 0.515 | |
shouldNotAcceptNullSpecifications_addPartitionFor_ng | 0.047 | |
shouldNotAcceptNullRepository_addPartitionFor_ng | 0 | |
allEntitiesPartitionShouldImplyNoEntitiesInTopLevelDb | 0.032 | |
entityUpdateShouldBeReflectedForAllEqualEntitiesInAllPartitionsInAllMemberLevels | 1.531 | |
shouldIterateSpecifiedEntitiesOnly | 0.156 | |
shouldNotIterateThroughEntitiesTwice | 0.109 |
shouldConcurrentlyUpdateNonConflictingFieldsWithinSameObject | 0.078 | |
checkRepositoryPathAndFilenames_defaultPaths | 0.047 | |
checkRepositoryPathAndFilenames_customPaths | 0.016 | |
shouldImplementExplicitPersistenceOnlyDefinition | 0 | |
shouldHandleEmptyPersistentRepositories | 0.015 | |
entityIdShouldBeGlobalAndPersistent | 0.25 | |
shouldPersistAndLoadEntities | 0.281 | |
shouldRemovePersistedEntitiesBothWays | 0.141 | |
shouldPersistDeepAggregates_genericVersion | 0.156 | |
shouldPersistDeepAggregates | 0.407 | |
ordinaryRepositryOperationsMightCancelStateChangesBeforeUpdateHasTakenPlace | 0.062 | |
shouldCascadeDelete | 0.078 | |
shouldHandleCircularReferences | 0.094 | |
shouldHandleConcurrentPersists | 6.281 | |
shouldHandleConcurrentLoadAndPersist | 0 | |
shouldUpdateMetaData_fileBasedOnly | 0.188 | |
shouldUpdateMetaData_supportsAsynchronousPersistence | 0 |
shouldDoImplicitUpdates | 0.062 | |
shouldPolitelyTellWhenTryingToLoadADifferentRepositoryType | 0.062 | |
skipped | ||
shouldNotAcceptNullSpecifications_countAllEntitiesSpecifiedBy | 0 | |
shouldNotAcceptNullSpecifications_countAll | 0 | |
shouldNotAcceptNullSpecifications_count | 0.016 | |
shouldNotAcceptNullSpecifications_iterateAllEntitiesSpecifiedBy | 0 | |
shouldNotAcceptNullSpecifications_iterateAll | 0 | |
shouldNotAcceptNullSpecifications_iterate | 0 | |
shouldNotAcceptNullSpecifications_findAllEntitiesSpecifiedBy | 0 | |
shouldNotAcceptNullSpecifications_findAll | 0.015 | |
shouldNotAcceptNullSpecifications_find | 0 | |
shouldNotAcceptNullSpecifications_findSingleEntitiespecifiedBy | 0 | |
shouldNotAcceptNullSpecifications_findSingle | 0 | |
shouldNotAcceptStoringNullEntities_putAll | 0 | |
shouldNotAcceptNullSpecifications_removeAllEntitiesSpecifiedBy | 0.016 | |
shouldNotAcceptNullSpecifications_removeAll | 0 | |
shouldNotAcceptNullSpecifications_remove | 0 | |
shouldReturnNullWhenNoSingleEntityIsFound | 0.016 | |
shouldReturnFalseWhenRemovingNonExistingEntity | 0 | |
shouldReturnEmptySetsWhenNoEntitiesAreFound | 0.015 | |
shouldOnlyAcceptEntities | 0.032 | |
shouldHoldSingleEntity | 0.078 | |
shouldHoldAggregate | 0.015 | |
shouldHandleRecursiveIndexingIfSupported | 0.063 | |
shouldBeTypeParameterized | 0.062 | |
shouldFindSingleEntity | 0.125 | |
shouldFindEntitiesOfDifferentTypes | 0.203 | |
shouldReflectNatureOfAggregateIndexingIn_isAddingEntitiesRecursively_property | 0.266 | |
shouldReturnFreshAndMutableCollections | 0.094 | |
shouldIterateSpecifiedEntities | 0.125 |
[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]