Uses of Interface

Packages that use Repository

Uses of Repository in net.sourceforge.domian.repository

Subinterfaces of Repository in net.sourceforge.domian.repository
 interface BinaryFormatRepository<T extends Entity>
          Marker interface for persistent repositories, where the data is stored in some sort of binary format.
 interface FakeRepository<T extends Entity>
          Marker interface for fake repositories.
 interface HumanReadableFormatRepository<T extends Entity>
          Marker interface for persistent repositories, where the data is stored in a human readable textual format.
 interface PartitionRepository<T extends Entity>
          Interface for specification-based partitioned repositories.
 interface PersistentRepository<T extends Entity>
          Repository with the capabibility of writing (persist) its entities to some sort of non-volatile storage.
 interface TextualFormatRepository<T extends Entity>
          Interface for persistent repositories, where the data is stored in some sort of textual format, readable or not readable.
 interface VolatileRepository<T extends Entity>
          Marker interface for volatile repositories.

Classes in net.sourceforge.domian.repository that implement Repository
 class AbstractDomianCoreRepository<T extends Entity>
          All Domian Core-based Repository classes should extend this abstract class.
 class AbstractRepository<T extends Entity>
          All Repository classes should extend this abstract class.
 class HashSetRepository<T extends Entity>
          Volatile repository for non-concurrent environments.
 class HibernateRepository<T extends Entity>
          This repository implementation is based on the Hibernate object-relational mapping (ORM) tool, and its implementation of the Java Persistence API 1.0 (JPA).
 class InMemoryAndXStreamXmlFileRepository<T extends Entity>
          An in-memory repository with persistence capabilities.
 class InMemoryRepository<T extends Entity>
          Volatile repository for concurrent environments.
 class NotImplementedRepository<T extends Entity>
          Repository to be used if a Repository implementation is expected, but not yet in place.
 class NullRepository<T extends Entity>
          A silly and lazy repository which tacitly accepts entities to be stored, and then just throws them away...
 class PartitionRepositoryInvocationHandler<T extends Entity>
          InvocationHandler implementation for partition repositories.
 class PartitionRepositoryReuseInvocationHandler<T extends Entity>
 class UnsupportedRepository<T extends Entity>
          Repository to be used if a Repository implementation is needed, but any usage of it is for some reason unsupported/prohibited.
 class XStreamXmlFilePerEntityRepository<T extends Entity>
          A persistent repository backed by XStream functionality.

Fields in net.sourceforge.domian.repository declared as Repository
protected  Repository<T> PartitionRepositoryInvocationHandler.repositoryDelegate

Methods in net.sourceforge.domian.repository with type parameters of type Repository
<R extends Repository>
PartitionRepositoryInvocationHandler.collectAllPartitionsWithRepositorySatisfying(Specification<R> specification, java.util.Map<Specification<? extends T>,PartitionRepository> partitionMap)
<R extends Repository>
PartitionRepository.collectAllPartitionsWithRepositorySatisfying(Specification<R> specification, java.util.Map<Specification<? extends T>,PartitionRepository> partitionMap)
          Populates the given map with a flattened and recursive view of all partitions in this repository, satisfying the given specification.

Methods in net.sourceforge.domian.repository that return Repository
 Repository<T> PartitionRepositoryInvocationHandler.getTargetRepository()
 Repository<T> PartitionRepository.getTargetRepository()
          This method applies to this partition only!

Methods in net.sourceforge.domian.repository with parameters of type Repository
<V extends T>
PartitionRepositoryReuseInvocationHandler.addPartitionFor(Specification<V> partitionSpecification, Repository<? super V> partitionRepository)
<V extends T>
PartitionRepositoryInvocationHandler.addPartitionFor(Specification<V> partitionSpecification, Repository<? super V> partitionRepository)
<V extends T>
PartitionRepository.addPartitionFor(Specification<V> partitionSpecification, Repository<? super V> partitionRepository)
          Adds a new partition to this repository.

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