Uses of Interface

Packages that use PersistentRepository

Uses of PersistentRepository in net.sourceforge.domian.repository

Subinterfaces of PersistentRepository in net.sourceforge.domian.repository
 interface BinaryFormatRepository<T extends Entity>
          Marker interface for persistent repositories, where the data is stored in some sort of binary format.
 interface HumanReadableFormatRepository<T extends Entity>
          Marker interface for persistent repositories, where the data is stored in a human readable textual format.
 interface TextualFormatRepository<T extends Entity>
          Interface for persistent repositories, where the data is stored in some sort of textual format, readable or not readable.

Classes in net.sourceforge.domian.repository that implement PersistentRepository
 class HibernateRepository<T extends Entity>
          This repository implementation is based on the Hibernate object-relational mapping (ORM) tool, and its implementation of the Java Persistence API 1.0 (JPA).
 class InMemoryAndXStreamXmlFileRepository<T extends Entity>
          An in-memory repository with persistence capabilities.
 class PartitionRepositoryInvocationHandler<T extends Entity>
          InvocationHandler implementation for partition repositories.
 class PartitionRepositoryReuseInvocationHandler<T extends Entity>
 class XStreamXmlFilePerEntityRepository<T extends Entity>
          A persistent repository backed by XStream functionality.

Constructors in net.sourceforge.domian.repository with parameters of type PersistentRepository
PersistenceService(PersistentRepository repository)
          The interval between each persisting job is set to 10 minutes.
PersistenceService(PersistentRepository repository, java.util.Date persistingDate, java.lang.Integer persistingIntervalInSeconds)
PersistenceService(PersistentRepository repository, java.lang.Integer persistingIntervalInSeconds)

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