Package net.sourceforge.domian.repository

Interface Summary
BinaryFormatRepository<T extends Entity> Marker interface for persistent repositories, where the data is stored in some sort of binary format.
EntityMetaData Meta data for for Entity objects.
FakeRepository<T extends Entity> Marker interface for fake repositories.
HumanReadableFormatRepository<T extends Entity> Marker interface for persistent repositories, where the data is stored in a human readable textual format.
PartitionRepository<T extends Entity> Interface for specification-based partitioned repositories.
PersistentRepository<T extends Entity> Repository with the capabibility of writing (persist) its entities to some sort of non-volatile storage.
Repository<T extends Entity> Interface defining a repository for storing and retrieving Entity objects.
TextualFormatRepository<T extends Entity> Interface for persistent repositories, where the data is stored in some sort of textual format, readable or not readable.
VolatileRepository<T extends Entity> Marker interface for volatile repositories.

Class Summary
AbstractRepository<T extends Entity> All Repository classes should extend this abstract class.

Enum Summary
PersistenceDefinition Definitions regarding the nature of the different persistence mechanisms that Domian repositories may inhibit.

Exception Summary
RepositoryException Rumtime exception wrapper for repository failures.

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